
Mobile app for a food delivery restaurant

Last update:  June 2016

Category:  Food

Technologies:  Android SDK, iOS SDK, Xamarin (C#)

For: the delivery restaurant’s permanent customers 

Objective: create a mobile app hooked up with Fresh-n-fast website 

Solution: iOS and Android apps written in Xamarin/С# 

Primary functions:

  • Selecting dishes from themenu 
  • Placing an order
  • A history for accelerating repeat orders 
  • Viewing promos, delivery and payment conditions

Technical features:

  • The app requires an internet connection for exchanging data with the web service 
  • Maximum number of items in the order: 99
  • The final data entered by the user (name and telephone number) are memorized and displayed for the following order automatically
  • If at the moment that the app is closed, there are certain items left in an order, after being relaunched they will automatically be added to the basket.


We needed to have a mobile app developed for us – Fresh-n-Fast delivery synchronized with our website. All of the agreement’s conditions were fulfilled to the fullest. We maintained constant communication with the developers, which cannot be overstated, since we are located in a different city. There were, of course, minor hiccups, but they were taken care of right away on the developer’s part. They were also a tad late based on the timetable in providing the ready mobile app (but we were informed about this ahead of time via e-mail or on Skype). The bugs in the ready app were also identified and taken care of rather promptly. Thank you for the fruitful cooperation.  

Nikolay Bukhtuyev
December 28, 2016