My Islam

Современные технологии для мусульман

Last update:  August 2013

Category:  Life style

Technologies:  Android SDK

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Для: мусульман России и стран СНГ.

Задача: Создать удобное приложение для изучения Корана.

Решение: С помощью нативных технологий Android.

Основные функции:

  • Изучать священный Коран в оригинале на арабском, с переводом смысла на русский от достопочтенных авторов Э.Р.Кулиева (с тафсир Абд ар-Рахмн ас-Саади), М.-Н. Османова, И.Л. Крачковского, с переводом смысла на татарский от знаменитого Якуба ибн Нугмана.
  • Слушать Коран в исполнении известнейших чтецов Мишари аль-Афаси и Абдуррахман ас-Судейс.
  • Определять время молитв (намаза), Киблу (направление на Каабу, г.Мекка), местоположение ближайшей мечети.


We ordered an Android app from Zennex. The guys really know their craft well. The control system for performing work on each of the stages was straightforward and transparent. We were always aware what the executors of each task were up to and the end product of their work fully satisfied our needs. We were informed ahead of time in layman’s terms when roadblocks were encountered and during the project’s process we had the ability to adjust the methods the tasks were performed in without escaping the limits of our budget, but still accomplishing the goal we had set out to accomplish. We’re happy with the way the product turned out and are absolutely overjoyed by it. We recommend Zennex to anyone who hopes to attain worthy results.

Timur Kluyev
August 22, 2013